Welcome to the website of the Historic Westheight Neighborhood Association
We are a nonprofit volunteer organization established to improve life in Kansas City's Historic Westheight Neighborhood.
Read more about what's happening NOW in our bimonthly neighborhood newsletter.
Who we are
Historic Westheight Manor has one of the richest architectural histories in all of Kansas City.
Notable architects such as Louis S. Curtiss, Victor J. Defoe (who began his career with J.C.Nichols), Edward Buehler Delk (who also helped build the Country Club Plaza), J.G. Braecklein and W.W. Rose all contributed to this unique community. C. Millstein
The neighborhood is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and The Kansas State Registry of Historic Places and is a Local Kansas City Kansas Landmark.
The houses built in Westheight Manor cover many styles that were popular from the 1880s to the 1970s - from Queen Anne, to Craftsman, to Twenties Tudor, to Prairie Style, to Mid-Century Modern, to California Ranch. We invite you to take a walking or driving tour of the Neighborhood. INFORMATION FOR REALTORS
The Historic Westheight Neighborhood Asso-ciation is not a Home Owners Association, rather, it is a volunteer organization open to anyone who has an interest in preserving the historic character of the Westheight Manor Registered Historic District. There are no fees or assessments against properties or indi-viduals, dues paid by members are voluntary.
Almost all properties in Westheight Manor subdivisions 1, 2, and 3 are part of the Registered Historic District. Any improve-ments or changes, especially to the outside facade of any structure, may be governed by the UG Landmarks Commission local ordinance, the Kansas State Historical Society, and Standards for Rehabilitation from the U.S. Dept of Interior.
To know more about the Westheight Manor Registered Historic District, read the Historic Survey completed in 1986, which was the foundation of the Historic Designation, in the link below:
The Association collects dues from members throughout the year, from January through October. To join, send dues payment by cash or check to
Rick Yarnell, HWNA Treasurer, 2424 Nebraska Court Kansas City, KS 66102-2608 OR click on the button below to pay dues ONLINE. SITE LAST UPDATED: 11 FEB 2025
We love photos of the neighborhood! Send us yours!
POSTPONEMENT: The next general meeting of HWNA will be held in the lower parish hall of St. Paul's Episcopal Church on Wednesday, FEBRUARY 19, 2025. The meeting will begin at 7 p.m., with a potluck dinner to begin at 6:30 p.m. Location: St. Paul's Episcopal Church, 1300 N. 18th St., Kansas City, KS. Use the door from the alley for entrance. This Meeting is a CHANGE from our normal second Wednesday, due to the expected snowfall on Wed., 2/12. NEIGHBORHOOD NOTIFICATION
If you wish to pay your dues for the 2025 year please do so here ->> - CLICK HERE
RECYCLING CENTER The Yard Waste and Recycling Center at 3201 Park Drive, KCK, is open on regular hours for disposal of brush, yard waste and tree limbs, and accepts recycling materials. The center is free to Wyandotte County Residents (who must show proof of residency). It accepts clear, brown & colored glass, paper, metal cans, Plastics #1-#7. The Yard Waste section of the Center accepts grass clippings, garden trimmings, leaves, branches, and stumps. Hours are: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Saturdays only for the winter. |
Sidewalk Cost Share Program
Well-maintained concrete sidewalks improve the appearance of a neighborhood, and keep neighbors, visitors, and pedestrians safe from vehicle traffic. The Unified Government understands that investment in infrastructure is an important part of wellness and community pride. To help residents and neighborhoods replace damaged or aging sidewalks, the Unified Government's Public Works Department has established a cost-sharing program.
The goal of the Sidewalk Replacement Program is to make our city's sidewalks accessible for all through reduction of the cost residents would normally have to pay on their own. Residents interested in replacement of an existing sidewalk may hire an independent contractor or use a Public Works Contractor. Reimbursements rates are meant to cover about half of the average cost for sidewalk removal and replacement for one house. Reimbursement funds are limited to the extent of the yearly UG Budget, and is offered on a first-come, first-serve basis. Learn more about the Sidewalk Replace-ment Program and how to get started at www.wycokck.org/PW/Programs or call Public Works at 913-573-5400. COMMUNITY ORCHARD Volunteer Opportunity! If you would like to help with the Westheight Orchard long-term, ongoing project please contact: [email protected] QUICK NEWS
The following persons are the HWNA Board Members for the calendar year 2025:
GORDON CRISWELL CLAYTON HUNTER JENNIFER MILLS ROB RICHARDSON STEPHEN ROBLES JIM SCHRAEDER RICK YARNELL Also: Newsletter Editor, Sarah Miller contact any board member through [email protected] |
Membership in the Historic Westheight Neighborhood Association is voluntary.
Dues are payable any time during the calendar year from January to October.
You may now pay any dues for the Calendar Year 2025
You may now pay any dues for the Calendar Year 2025